Early Modern Research Seminars this term…

Early Modern Research Centre



Events programme, Autumn Term 2015

7th October: ‘Early Modern Wednesday’ (1-2pm, HUMSS 124)

Welcome meeting and social event for staff and students. We’ll provide the tea and biscuits, but bring a sandwich if you wish, and talk early modern studies (and anything else) with colleagues.


Wednesday 21st October: Research Seminar  (1pm, HUMSS 127) ‘’John Evelyn as Modern Architect and Ancient Gardener: ‘Lessons of Perpetual Practice’’

Dr Paddy Bullard, University of Reading


Wednesday 11th November: (HUMMS 126, 2pm) Being Well, Being Ill: Experience and Materiality (History department annual research theme colloquium

Hannah Newton, University of Reading, discusses attitudes to recovery in early modern England


Wednesday 2nd December: Early Modern Book Group (1pm, HUMSS 181)

Text for discussion: Brad Gregory, The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society (Harvard University Press, 2012)

The book will be introduced by Mary Morrissey with Helen Parish, and those attending are invited to read either the whole book, or sections that touch upon their own interests, to inform discussion.


For further information, contact the EMRC  emrc@reading.ac.uk, or Helen Parish (History) h.l.parish@reading.ac.uk


About Cindy

Associate Professor in the Department of English Literature at the University of Reading. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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