What can a tea bag tell you about soil?

Once again we are returning to the Soapbox Science blog, and this time it is to highlight a post published on 18th June by Sarah Duddigan (a PhD student in the Environmental Science Department here at Reading).

‘Growing up there were two things I got real enjoyment from at school, one was science lessons, and the other was playing outside and getting muddy. Never did I think that would be able to pursue a career that involves both!’  See the full blog to read more…….

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. Keep a look out for events organised throughout the year.



Soapbox Science

We have featured the Soapbox Science blog on previous occasions but it is always worth highlighting new posts and stories! There are a number of new posts including:

6th May – Entitled as anyone else to explore: Meet Jessica Clark (PhD student at the University of Edinburgh).

‘I would like for science to be seen as a field with its doors wide open to anyone inspired to ask questions. For so long it has been shrouded in the notion that the doors only exist to a privileged few, but this is changing and I would like more people to feel that they would be respected and just as entitled as anyone else to explore.’

5th May – Deaf life stories: What they reveal about the potential within all of us by Dr Goedele A. M. De Clerck (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Social Research with Deaf People (SORD) group at the University of Manchester).

‘Being a soapbox science speaker enables me to share a positive perspective on deaf people’s lives. For too long, their fascinating processes of empowerment and emancipation have remained in the shadows and in the margins. I am thrilled to expose a very wide audience to insight into the strengths in their own lives through exploring the incredible achievements of deaf people.’

3rd May – Get rid of the ”pomp”: Meet Clare Duncan (PhD student based between the Institute of Zoology (Zoological Society of London) and University College London

‘How I got to my current position was really about long periods of perseverance, hard work and passion for ecology, the environment and conservation………’

There are also many more posts!


Open season for female scientists

Dr Joanna Bagniewska (Teaching Fellow in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Reading), has written a blog post on Soapbox Science about gender discrimination in particular at conferences:

‘Because I’m a zoologist working in a rather gender-balanced and female-friendly environment, I have for a long time thought that the discrimination of women in STEM is a largely exaggerated problem. But then it hit me with the force of a charging elephant (the one that’s in the room).  A couple of years ago I found myself at an engineering conference, eager to develop collaborations for a biotelemetry project. My enthusiasm for networking was, however, curbed very quickly – to be precise, at the point when the organisers gave “a warm welcome to the engineers and the beautiful ladies”. From then on things went downhill………….’

Do you have any similar experiences? Follow this link to read the full blog post – Soapbox Science

Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the work they do. If you are interested in getting involved or participating in one of their events then follow this link to contact the organisers – Events

Could we hold similar events in Reading?

Soapbox Science event

Soapbox Science event