The trials and tribulations of a Dig Director

I will come clean (appropriate phrase for an archaeologist!) – this was not one of my best days! I was tired…..the day was hot with circling and threatening thunderstorms which never delivered…..and Basingstoke Environmental Health Officer surprise-visited our site kitchen…..Jean and Lyn coped admirably with the visitation and we have been given a Satisfactory rating! Which ain’t bad for a portakabin in the middle of a field. Well done team Catering – I am proud of you!

As for me…well nothing an early night won’t cure. Even Dig Directors get the blues. So, let my pictures of the day speak for themselves.


Lonely moment on a spoilheap….but oh, look at that view! My team – hard at work…and a gathering thundercloud


How nice is this? Buried ceramic vessel used as a hearth…..the Iron Age comes to life…. Under excavation by Rosie


Absorbing work….Ashley sits between an Iron Age rubbish pit and a hard place


What DOES it all mean? HOW many clay floors? Tom n’ Tom ponder their Iron Age round house


Edoardo and his post-holes


Lyon ware found in a clay floor slumped into a possible round house gulley in Matt’s area. Cups and beakers in a fine pale colour-coated ware, decorated with barbotine, produced at Lyon, France and widely distributed across Gaul, the Rhineland and Britain during the 1st century AD.


Round house gulley? Watch this space….


It’s all about the mattocking! Rachel and Amy take a break (mattock in the background)


Jess and Helen show how it is done! Girl Power!


Kathleen excavating a posthole


Can you see? It’s another building underlying Natalie’s gravel based early Roman building: new hearth on view!

And with that enticing glimpse of a new building appearing in Natalie’s area …along with all kinds of excitements appearing in Jeni’s Insula III…..I am calling it a Day!



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