Proposed new Student Case Management System

case management planning


Initial stages now complete as Student Services procures system to better store student information

As some of you may already be aware, Student Services is in the early stages of procuring a new Student Case Management System. When in the place, the ultimate aim of the system is to support us in better communication and storage of student information in an appropriately accessible format.

The specific objective for this first phase is to provide an effective system for our Disability, Counselling & Wellbeing and Welfare teams to manage case information about students. In the longer term we would hope to extend the scope to other areas of work but as yet there are no firm plans.

To update you on the progress made so far, a great deal of research into both our needs and viable solutions has taken place, and paperwork submitted to initiate this process. It is hoped that with all approvals in place and all conditions met we can soon start to recruit a full-time dedicated individual to initiate acquiring and coding a system for us.

I’d like to extend my appreciation to everyone who has already given up their time to support this venture, especially those who attended a meeting and workshop during spring term, which was a great opportunity to capture valuable input from a range of stakeholders. We will keep you informed as things develop and we may also call upon some of you to assist further in the future.

If you have queries of would like further information, please contact Selina Patankar-Owens on 4216