PhD success: study of sustainability and medicines waste

Hamza (centre) with his supervisors, Dr Parastou Donyai and Nilish Patel (left), and examiners, Prof Charles Morecroft and Prof Helen Osborn (right).

Many congratulations to Hamza Alhamad for successfully passing his viva with minor corrections. Hamza’s thesis investigates public attitudes towards the reuse of medicines returned to community pharmacies. The study was undertaken in two phases and employed both qualitative and quantitative
methods. The examiners report emphasized the good standard of the thesis which detailed an appropriate body of work for the award of a PhD.
The examiners were also pleased to see that a paper had already been published by the candidate and his PhD supervisors, Dr Parastou Donyai and Dr Nilesh Paterl, in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.


Alhamad H, Patel N, Donyai P. How do people conceptualise the reuse of medicines? An interview study. Int J Pharm Pract. 2017. doi: 10.1111/ijpp.12391