Progression and careers: Finalist Programme

three women dressed in business wear talking

Hi! I’m Aaliya, a placement student working at the University of Reading. I’m here to share with you one of the schemes at Reading that aims to make studying at university as inclusive as possible and help you gain skills that will help you through your future career.  

The Finalist Programme is aimed at boosting the skills and motivation of final year undergraduates for pursuing graduate roles. The scheme has been focused in departments where graduate progression is low, in order to provide support and advice, and has worked to adapt to any changes.  

The University of Reading hopes to support students throughout their entire time at the university not only through their degree but also for their future. Graduate roles can be very competitive, especially when applying for well-known companies that employ university graduates nationwide and the Finalist Programme seeks to give students the skills needed to stand out.  

There are multiple activities the scheme uses to improve student skills. There are training courses and workshops, as well as assessment simulations to help prepare students for interviews and work-life scenarios. 

This programme was introduced in 2018 and is still being perfected to reach and help the right students. It is currently being remastered to boost participation and better support students across all departments, and particularly to support students who may face other barriers such as a lack of free time or existing professional connections. The new design will better support students in both their goals and available resources. The updated version of the scheme will be evaluated in 2024, comparing the graduate progression between those who engaged in the programme and those who did not.  

Be sure to book an appointment with the Careers team if you want to discuss life after university or support in pursuing an internship. 

Read the full report Finalist programme reflection August 2023 (PDF, 0.4 MB)