We are pleased to announce that the Graduate Recruitment and Internship Festival will take place 8th June 2022 in person. Featuring organisations with live graduate, internship and placement vacancies.
You can browse the Career Fair Plus app to find out more about the employers participating.
• complete employer listings
• event details
• announcements for real-time updates
• fair tips section to help you prepare
• appointments with employers
Who will be there?
170 (Infra Sp) Engineering Group | Abbott Diabetes Care | Acclaro Advisory | Austin International | Bottomline Technologies | BrainStation | Buitelaar Group | Calcot Services for Children | Carv| Copper Consultancy | Cpl Life Sciences | Crowdstrike | Ecosulis Ltd | Enterprise Rent-A-Car | Explore Learning | EY | FDM Group | Hydro-Logic Services | Institute of Education | Managementors | Mazars| McCormick & Company | MHA MacIntyre Hudson | Placements | Postgraduate study at Reading | Rawnet | Reading Internship Scheme | RED Award | RSSL | Thames Valley Police | THRIVE Mentoring | Trade Remedies | Travelteer | Urban Science | UROP |
Quiet time
From 14:00-14:30 for students who prefer a calmer environment. If you require assistance during these 30 minutes, please make yourself known to the reception desk. If you have any other accessibility needs that have not been addressed, please contact careers@reading.ac.uk and we will endeavour to provide our event information in a format accessible to you.
Careers expert bar
Our Careers expert bar features our expert coaches, LinkedIn Photo Booth for a free professional photo, provides CV reviews, careers advice and more (bookable on ).
#UoRHired #RDGGrad22