Inaugural CCR conference

CCR will hold an inaugural conference on “Semantics and Science: What Can Experimental Work Tell Us about Meaning?”, 21st-22nd March 2014. Speakers will be as follows:

Prof. Richard Breheny (UCL, Linguistics)

Prof. John Collins (UEA, Philosophy)

Prof. Bart Geurts (Nijmegen, Philosophy)

Dr. Nat Hansen (Reading, Philosophy)

Prof. Kristen Syrett (Rutgers, Linguistics)

Further information on the programme to follow.

Forthcoming events

In the autumn term, Bhismadev Chakrabarti (Psychology, Reading) will give a talk on:

‘The overlap of reward and empathy: Empirical and theoretical considerations’.
Comments by Emma Borg (Philosophy, Reading). Date and location tba.

In the Spring term, Gergely Csibra (Cognitive Science, CEU and Psychology, Birkbeck):

will give a talk. Title, date and location tba (but date probably Thursday 13th February, 2.15-3.45).

The CCR inaugral conference will also be held in Spring 2014. Further details will be announced soon.