Fume Cupboards upgrades


Fume Cupboards upgrades

Cutting carbon emissions in Chemistry

Work beginning on Friday 13th December in the Chemistry building will make a major contribution to the University’s 35% carbon reduction target.  The ventilation systems are being substantially upgraded for the fume cupboards in the 2 large Chemistry teaching laboratories, rooms 144 and 244.

Storage cabinets in these rooms will be separately ventilated, which will enable technicians to turn these particular fume cupboards off when not in use.  New sensors and controls within each cupboard will mean that closing the cupboard sash will save significant energy, whilst maintaining face velocities, and new, high efficiency fans will be fitted in the building’s plant room.

As well as large energy savings, traditionally low temperatures in some parts of the building are also expected to improve, along with the negative air pressures often experienced.

This work has been driven and funded by the University’s Sustainability Team, who will report back early in the new year once the  project is complete and the resulting energy savings have been measured.

Chemistry Department Research Colloquia – Dr Simon Lancaster (UEA), RSC Higher Education Award Winner (2013)

On the 9th December, the Chemistry Department Research Colloquium will be given by Dr Simon Lancaster, University of East Anglia, the  RSC Higher Education Award Winner (2013).

His talk  entitled “Going online to enhance face-to-face chemistry teaching will take place at 16:00 pm in Chemistry LTG preceded by refreshments in the Chemistry Foyer at 15:40.

All welcome.