Chemistry PhD Student Ashfaq Afsar wins prize at the 26th SCI Postgraduate Symposium on Novel Organic Chemistry – South Meeting

Reading University AshAfsarPrize26thSciSymposiumChemistry PhD student, Ashfaq Afsar was one of 12 speakers from chemistry departments across the south of the UK attending the 26th SCI Postgraduate Symposium on Novel Organic Chemistry at Southampton University on the 21st May.  They all presented a mixture of exciting research, ranging from methodology to total synthesis, new catalysts and new scaffolds for drug discovery to organic scavengers, which approximately 40 people attended.

Ashfaq was awarded second prize for his talk on ‘Progress towards the development of ligands for separating actinides from lanthanides’ 


Pictured with David Miller, SCI Fine Chemicals Group, the other winner Marcin Odawski and Dr Bruno Linclau the local organiser.

(From left to right) David Miller, Ashfaq Afsar, Marcin Odawski and Dr Bruno Linclau.


Chemistry Research Colloquium – Georgina Ferry

The Chemistry Department Research Colloquium on Monday 20th April is by Georgina Ferry, noted author and broadcaster.

She will be speaking on the life and work of the pioneering biological crystallographer Dorothy Hodgkin and the title of her talk is  “I think with my hands”.

Chemistry LTG at 16:00