The Department of Classics was delighted to host the 2013 conference of the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song (6-8 September), in collaboration with the University of Oxford, organised by Prof. Ian Rutherford (Reading) and Dr Bruno Currie (Oxford).
The theme of this year’s conference was ‘The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry, 600BC-AD400’, under the umbrella of which participants were able to discuss a wide range of issues around the topics of transmission, canonization, and paratext.
With an excellent line-up of speakers as well as more than sixty guests from all over the world in attendance, we were proud to celebrate Greek Lyric Poetry and its reception in the ancient world. It is our intention to publish the proceedings in a conference volume in due course.
Meanwhile, if you would like to find out more and cannot wait for the volume to come out, the conference was covered live on Twitter, and our PhD student Kate Cook kindly assembled the highlights of the Twitter feed on Storify, accessible via this link:
Some photos taken during the conference (click on images for larger versions):
- Ian Rutherford (Reading)
- Glenn Most (Pisa/Chicago)
- André Lardinois (Ghent)
- Jacqueline Klooster (Ghent)
- Conference Dinner, Day 1
- Renate Schlesier (Berlin)
- Claude Calame (Paris/Lausanne)
- Greg Nagy (CHS)
- Maria Kazanskaya (Paris)
- Antonio Fernandez Delgado (Salamanca),
- Ewen Bowie (Oxford), Hans Bernsdorff (Frankfurt)