Forthcoming presentations

Mike Esbester has been invited to discuss project research at a specially convened symposium marking the 40th anniversary of the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act. The symposium is taking place at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 8 July, and includes contributions from current and former Health and Safety Executive officials and academics. It aims to think about how the 1974 Act came about, what impact it has had, and how the challenges of occupational health and safety have changed over the last 40 years.


Mike’s paper, ‘Buying in to health and safety? Perceptions of legitimacy of occupational health and safety & the 1974 Act’, will draw on project research and is a first outing for some thoughts arising from the project to date – and, no doubt, it will be a chance to get some useful feedback.


Further details about the symposium and booking (before 27 June) at:



Mike will be in action again a few days later, presenting a paper at the Society for the Social History of Medicine’s conference on the theme of ‘Disease, Health and the State.’ The conference takes place in Oxford between 10-12 July, and Mike’s paper, ‘Il/legitimate risks? The state and Occupational Health and Safety in post-1960 Britain’, will consider how the state has dealt with OSH issues since 1960, particularly in relation to questions about legitimacy.

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