Data Science Hackathon and Competition Day

We are hosting a Data Science Hackathon event from 9:30-16:30 in the Polly Vacher building.  There will be a team event to analyse a data set, an extreme programming competition, workshop sessions for beginners, and a poster and demo session in the afternoon.

Morning Session, 9:30-13:00:

Track 1:  Data Science Hackathon. (You will choose a dataset and form a team to develop any creative software applications based on this dataset. Can form small groups, 3-4 person for one group.)

Track 2: Extreme Programming competition.

Track 3: Tutorial workshop for beginners.

Free lunch 13:00-14:00

Afternoon Session 14:00-15:45:

Track 1: Data Science Hackathon (continued)

Track 4: Poster, system and video demo Session. You can submit the poster and system demo of your Final Year Project, masters or PhD project. You can also submit your video demo from group work in the HCI module.

Prize time 16:15-16:30

Plenty of prizes. A judging panel with academic staff and industry guests will decide the winners of Track 1, 2, and 4. Every track participant will get a small prize.  You have the chance to win £100 or cool stuff with equivalent value for each track (except Track 3).

You can participate or attend one or more tracks. To sign up to attend the event, please fill out the form at:


The MLH Local Hack Day

Reading University Hacking ran a local event as part of Major League Hacking’s Local Hack Day – a global 12-hour hackathon & celebration of learning, building, & sharing on December 1st, 2018. The global sponsors included GitHub, Microsoft and a lot of other swag sponsors and our local partners included the Department of Computer Science at the University of Reading and the Reading University Students’ Union.

We welcomed attendees from all over the surrounding areas, welcoming students from Reading University, Bournemouth University and we even had a young hacker from Maidenhead. All of the attendees were really enthusiastic about attending their first Hackathon and they picked up a lot of new skills throughout the 12-hour event. Our flagship project was a “Live Notification Board for Hackathons” project, powered by the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Overall, everyone had an amazing time being part of a global event of over 5,000 attendees and the team at Reading University Hacking are look forward to hosting our flagship 24-hour event in February 2019 at the Henley Business School. More details on the 24-hour event here:

Data Science Hackathon Club Update

  • What we discussed on the first meeting (12/Nov):
  1. Google’s Deep Mind Explained! – Self Learning A.I.
  2. The first machine learning example tutorial (classification) 
  • What we discussed on the second meeting (26 Nov): linear model – part1
  1. Video lecture: linear model
  2. Tutorial problem: write your solution about house price prediction.
  • What we discussed on the third meeting (10 Dec, 11-12, G45): linear model – part2
    1. Video lecture: Gradient Descent, Logistic regression
    2. No practice session due to exam session

Club email list