MSc Plant Diversity Field ID test

The MSc Plant Diversity students spent the afternoon of field day 9 walking the Lizard coast doing a field ID test.  While they identified I photographed – all photos taken in the field on a sunny but windy day so if any lack detail or depth of focus – sorry but these are not studio photos! The pleasing thing was how much could be photographed in the field in a short time including some characters that usually need a hand lens.

Students working on spot number 3, 10 minutes in to the test and only 20 metres down the track!

Students working on spot number 3, 10 minutes in to the test and only 20 metres down the track!

Start test here by reading more….

Marks available for plant species (Latin and common name) , plant family and key ID features.  Here are photos taken in the field at the time – can you ID the 30 plants?

Answers will be available tomorrow on DrM Goes Wild. Twitter discussion on#MScPlDiv.

Answers now available


Happy students at the end of the test. Cream tea here we come!

About Alastair Culham

A professional botanist and biologist with an interest in promoting biological knowledge and awareness to all.
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4 Responses to MSc Plant Diversity Field ID test

  1. Pingback: Dr M’s #Botanybus2015 spot test – the answers! | Dr M Goes Wild

  2. peter rooney says:

    Umbilicus rupestris, Navelwort, Crassulaceae, perfoliate, fleshy leaves
    Smyrnium olusatrum,Alexanders, Apiaceae
    Oenanthe crocata, Hemlock Water-dropwort, Apiaceae
    Lotus pedunculatus, Greater Bird’s-foot-Trefoil, Fabaceae, assuming it’s not annual
    Asplenium scolopendrium, Hart’s Tongue Fern, Aspleniaceae
    Eupatoria cannabinum, Hemp Agrimony, Asteraceae
    Centauria nigra, Common Knapweed, Asreraceae, marginal hydathodes
    Sedum dasyphyllum, Thick-leaved Stonecrop, Crassulaceae
    Scorzoneroides, Autumn Hawkbit, Asteraceae, can’t see any forked hairs
    Carex cf. flacca, Glaucous Sedge, Cyperaceae, glaucous, greenish above?, no cross veins, even spacing
    Filipendula vulgaris, Dropwort, Rosaceae
    Ranunculus ficaria, Lesser Celandine, Ranunculaceae
    Luzula campestris, Field Wood-rush, Juncaceae
    Potentilla anserina, Silverweed, Rosaceae
    Alopecurus geniculatus, Marsh Foxtail, Poaceae. Can’t really see. Habitat, seems to be bent, smooth, large ligules, folded.
    Molinia caerulea, Purple Moor-Grass, Poacaea; tussocks, ligule seems to be a ring of hairs. Habitat.
    Schoenus nigricans, Black Bog-rush, Cyperaceae. Tussocky, Infl. compact, blackish.
    Armeria maritima, Thrift, Plumbaginaceae
    Sanguisorba officinalis, Great Burnet, Rosaceae, few pairs leaflets, habitat.
    Apium nodiflorm, Fool’s Water-cress, Apiaceae, water, pinnate, no septa
    Silene uniflora, Sea Campion, few flowered, erect
    Cochlearia officinalis, Common Scurvygrass, Brassicaceae, sessile stem leaves, fruit not flattened, basal leaves cordate
    Heracleum sphondylium, Hogweed, Apiaceae. Assuming it’s not mega.
    Erica cinerea, Bell Heather, Ericaceae, ? can’t really see. Leaves whorled.
    Ulex minor? Dwarf Gorse, Fabaceae
    Deschampsia cespitosa, Tiussock Grass. Can’t really see it. Tussocky, v erect spikes
    Molinia caerules, Purple Moor-Grass, Poaceae. Can’t see this either.
    Allium cf schoenoprasum, Chives, Amaryllidaceae7
    Viloa cf riviniana, Comon Dog-Violet, Violaceae, spur pale, calyx lobes long, can’t see if hairy of not.
    Prunus spinosa, Blackthorn, Rosaceae

    And I’m off to see an optician, not before time apparently.

    Happy Bank Holiday


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