Academic journal articles
- Bowlby, S., Evans, R., Ribbens McCarthy, J., Wouango, J. (2021) Time-space caring practices after a death in the family in urban Senegal. Social & Cultural Geography. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Evans, R. (2021) Critical geographies of love and loss: relational responses to the death of a spouse in Senegal. Emotion, Space and Society. 39, 100774. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Ribbens McCarthy, J., Evans, R. and Bowlby, S. (2019) Diversity challenges from urban West Africa: how Senegalese family deaths illuminate dominant understandings of ‘bereavement’, Bereavement Care, 38 (2-3), 83-90. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Ribbens McCarthy, J., Evans, R., Bowlby, S., Wouango, J. (2018) Making sense of family deaths in urban Senegal: diversities, contexts and comparisons. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Evans, R. (2019) Interpreting family struggles in West Africa across Majority-Minority world boundaries: tensions and possibilities. Gender, Place & Culture. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Evans, R. Ribbens McCarthy, J., Kébé, F. Bowlby, S., and Wouango, J. (2017) Interpreting ‘grief’ in Senegal: language, emotions and cross-cultural translation in a francophone African context, Mortality, 22, 2. Full text available on request from here or from Ruth Evans: Read a summary here/ lire le résumé ici.
Evans, R. Ribbens McCarthy, J., Bowlby, S., Wouango, J. and Kébé, F. (2017) Producing emotionally sensed knowledge? Reflexivity and emotions in researching responses to death. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(6), 585-598. Full text available on request from here or from Ruth Evans: See here for a summary.
- Evans, R. (2016) Gendered Struggles over Land: Shifting Inheritance Practices among the Serer in rural Senegal. Gender, Place and Culture. 23(9), 1360-1375
- Evans, R. (2015) Working with legal pluralism: widowhood, property inheritance and poverty alleviation in urban Senegal, Gender and Development, 23(1): 77–94.
- Evans, R. (2014) Parental death as a vital conjuncture? Intergenerational care and responsibility following bereavement in Senegal. Social & Cultural Geography, 15(5), 547-570
Book chapters
- Ribbens McCarthy, J. and Evans, R. (2020) The (cross-cultural) problem of categories: who is ‘child’, what is ‘family’? In S.Frankel and S. McNamee (Eds.) Bringing Children Back into the Family, Sociological Studies of Childhood and Youth, Vol. 25, Collection 1, Relationality and Connectedness and Home. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp.23-40. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Evans, R., Bowlby, S., Ribbens McCarthy, J., Wouango, J. and Kebe, F. (2019) ‘It’s God’s will’: Consolation and religious meaning-making after a family death in urban Senegal. In Space, Grief and Bereavement: Consolationscapes, C. Jedan, A. Maddrell and E. Venbrux (Eds) Routledge: London, pp.181-197. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
- Evans, R. (2019) Widowhood and property inheritance among the Serer in Senegal. In B. M’Baye and B. Muhonja (eds) Gender and Sexuality in Senegalese Societies. Critical Perspective and Methods, Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, pp.145-173. Full text available on request from Ruth Evans:
Reports and Policy Brief
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Presentation slides and podcasts
- Download our presentation at the public panel, A Holistic Approach to Young People’s Psychosocial Wellbeing, hosted by ODI, 22 Nov. 2016
- Watch the video of the public panel A Holistic Approach to Young People’s Psychosocial Wellbeing, hosted by ODI, 22 November 2016
- Download our presentation at the Family Troubles Symposium: Caringscapes responses to death family relations 16 Sept 2015
- Watch a podcast of the November 2015 CDAS seminar at Bath, ‘How malleable are emotions? The case of grief’, where Ruth presented a paper about the Senegal research.
- Download the slides of the paper, ‘Responses to family deaths in urban Senegal: making sense of death in a West African context’ that Jane gave at the Death, Dying and Disposal conference, September 2015: DDD12 Romania 2015
- Watch a podcast of the CDAS Conference June 2015 where Jane presented a paper, ‘Death and its futures beyond the global North: exploring responses to family deaths in urban Senegal’.
- Download our presentation at the BSA Death, Dying and Bereavement Seminar, November 2014: Responses to death BSA DDB paper final
Research instruments
- Download the Interview topic guide for adults
- Télécharger le Guide d entretien adultes
- Find out more about our research in our brochure (in English): brochure_ Senegal 2014
- Trouver plus d’informations sur la recherche dans notre brochure (en francais): brochure_ Senegal 2014_French.
Pilot research
- Read about Ruth’s pilot research on Inheritance, Access to Resources and Poverty in Serer families in Senegal / Lire l’étude pilote de Ruth sur Héritage, accès aux ressources et pauvreté au sein des familles sérères au Sénégal.