Helping University of Reading to be Digitally Ready…
The Digital Development team have been running our Drop in and Learn (DI@L) sessions for some time now and over the last few months, coinciding with the Digitally Ready project we haveRead More…
The Digital Development team have been running our Drop in and Learn (DI@L) sessions for some time now and over the last few months, coinciding with the Digitally Ready project we haveRead More…
Here at Reading, each School has a named School e-Learning Co-ordinator (SeLC) who plays a key role in e-Learning provision. The SeLCs meet regularly to share experiences and develop communal practice. However,Read More…
The classic work on the writing of good english ‘Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English’ has helped a generation to improve their written work. The use of email, and whatRead More…
Working through the unpublished draft student blogs in Whiteknights biodiversity with Jonathan Mitchley this morning we found that 75% of the students used images that were either other people’s copyright, did notRead More…
Over the past two weeks I’ve been working with my colleague, Jonathan Mitchley, to guide an MSc group of 24 students thorugh the writing of their first blog on the Whiteknights biodiversityRead More…
I’ve recently been involved in some interesting conversations about digital literacies and how people go about acquiring them. All these have one key element in common, which I will draw out atRead More…
Leigh is currently Digital Development Manager at The University of Reading and part of the Digitally Ready team. My role at the University is focused around managing the digital presence of the diverseRead More…
Maria and I had a useful meeting with Helen and Ruth from the library the other day. The library already provides a lot of literacy and digital literacy training, of course, andRead More…