Digitally Ready is delighted to welcome Stefanie Anyadi and Clive Young of the The Digital Department, our partner project based at University College London (UCL), who will be visiting Reading on 13 May 2013 for a lunchtime session to talk about their work supporting the development of teaching administrators (TAs).

TAs are a diverse group of professional support staff based in academic departments and supporting Teaching & Learning, often with a wide range of responsibilities including admissions, examinations, quality assurance, timetabling as well as developing and supporting the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at a local level.

TAs are working with a multitude of digital tools and systems, and these are often central to improving Teaching & Learning support. The development of the digital skills of this staff group is therefore crucial to ensuring that institutions are prepared to meet the challenge of providing students with rich learning experiences, as well as efficiency in how they do business as a university.

The Digital Department is working to give recognition to this group of staff and the vital role they play in ensuring that teaching-related innovations are spread quickly across the institution. Stefanie and Clive will talk about their workshop programme to support TAs working towards Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT), and the issues and benefits that are beginning to emerge.

Following on from the presentation, delegates will have a chance for discussion to explore the role of administrative staff at Reading and what can be done to better support them – and through them, our institution – to become digitally ready for the future.

This lunchtime session is open to all staff Reading. We would particularly welcome Heads of Department/School and senior managers to join us, as well as any staff who hold the role of School E-Learning Co-ordinator, and Blackboard Local Course and/or Portal Administrator. Please book via Employee Self Service or by emailing