Creative Arts Anthology 2017

Call for Submissions

The next Creative Arts Anthology is being planned for publication at the end of the Spring Term 2017. We are currently gathering the editorial team. As in previous years, we would like to present a collection of writings and images from students and staff at the university, and writers from Reading and the surrounding area, as well as from visitors to the department for festival readings or similar events. Submissions, online only, can take the form of creative writing in any genre, with the understanding that for prose works especially space is limited. We are also looking to receive j-peg images of paintings, drawings, and photography either in colour or black and white—though be aware when submitting compressed low-density image files that you will need to provide print-quality files when your work is selected. Please also provide a brief biographical note for publication with your work if selected.

Send your work with brief biographical note, name and e-mail address on the typescript to:

The deadline for submissions is midnight on Monday 9 January 2017.

About Cindy

Associate Professor in the Department of English Literature at the University of Reading. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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