On 12 August we held a multi-stakeholder workshop. The workshop included the dissemination of the preliminary project results, and participatory activities that aimed to open new spaces of conversation, convergence and collaboration to build and expand the effort of the civil society towards a sustainable future in Sogamoso. 35 participants representing various organizations engaged lively in the activities and the discussions. The workshop has received positive coverage in the local media. The participants’ contributions were summarized in a document (in Spanish) by Jenny Soler, Jaime Suzunaga and Giuseppe Feola. | El 12 de Agosto organizamos un taller multi-actor. El taller incluyó la socializacion de los resultados preliminares del proyecto, y unas actividades a través de las cuales se propuso crear nuevos espacios de conversación, convergencia, y colaboración para construir y expandir los esfuerzos hacia un futuro sostenible en Sogamoso. Al taller participaron 35 personas representando varias organizaciones participaron vivamente en las actividades y discusiones. El taller ha recibido una cobertura positiva en los medios locales. Los aportes de los participantes fueron resumidos por Jenny Soler, Jaime Suzunaga y Giuseppe Feola en un documento de memorias del taller.
Category Archives: Field work
Second field work phase | Segunda fase del trabajo de campo
The second field work phase has been on the way for a week. We have already conducted six interviews with key informants, and successfully organized a workshop with representatives of local actors including NGOs and local authorities (more on the workshop outcomes coming soon!). | La segunda fase de trabajo de campo ha estado en camino durante una semana. Ya hemos llevado a cabo seis entrevistas con informantes clave, y hemos organizado con éxito un taller con representantes de actores locales, incluidas ONG y autoridades locales (¡pronto relataremos más sobre los resultados del taller!).
Data collection under way
The first field work phase has been under way for a couple of weeks and we have already interviewed almost 30 key informants including farmers, public servants, academics, social and environmental movement activists, academics and agri-food market operators.

Giuseppe Feola and Jaime Suzunaga interviewing a farmer
It is clear that different discourses on agri-food systems in peri-urban Sogamoso exist, and that these discourses clash sometimes in strong ways. Has agriculture a significant function in the peri-urban space of Sogamoso? And what will be its function, if any, in the future?