Fairbrother Lecture – 14 March 2017

The 2017 Fairbrother Lecture is now open for bookings.

This year’s lecture, taking place on 14 March 2017 (7 pm), will be delivered by Ruth Barnes, a final year doctoral researcher from the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences. In her lecture (When Healthy Foods Go Wrong: food poisoning and fresh produce), Ruth will be discussing some of the current issues and challenges in ensuring safety within the food chain. In particular, Ruth will discuss her doctoral research into new methods for controlling food borne organisms. This research aims to help reduce the amount of unwanted bacteria on fresh food cutting the incidence of food poisoning which effects around a million people in the UK every year.

The event will also feature a visual display of other high quality doctoral research.

The Fairbrother Lecture is a University public lecture established in 2014. Named after Jack Fairbrother, who in 1929 became the first student to be awarded a PhD from the University, the Fairbrother Lecture is an annual event at which a current, or recent, Reading doctoral researcher presents their work to a wider audience.

Members of the public, along with members of the University are invited to attend what promises to be a fascinating evening. Booking information is available via the link below.


Venue: Henley Business School, Whiteknights Campus


Open Day for AHRC SWW Studentships

On 5 December 2016, the University of Reading will host an Open Day to provide an opportunity for those interested in applying to the AHRC SWW DTP for a PhD studentship to learn more about postgraduate research and training at Reading. It is open to those who were not able to attend the SWW DTP Information Day on the 28 November, as well as to those who wish to visit the University of Reading after that event.

This Open Day will enable attendees to learn more about the AHRC SWW DTP and the University of Reading. It will provide:

  • a workshop on developing and writing an AHRC SWW DTP PhD research proposal and application;
  • an opportunity to meet current SWW DTP students and academic staff, as well as prospective supervisors by prior arrangement by e-mail with them; and
  • a tour of related Departments and facilities.

The event will be held at the Graduate School, University of Reading from 2-4 pm on Monday 5 December 2016. If you wish to attend please contact Dr Wendy Matthews (w.matthews@reading.ac.uk)


For more information on the wide range of Doctoral research and training opportunities and AHRC funded studentships offered by the South West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership please see the SWW DTP web-site: http://www.sww-ahdtp.ac.uk


Open Day for AHRC SWW Studentships

On 1 December 2015, the University of Reading will host an Open Day to provide an opportunity for those interested in applying to the AHRC SWW DTP for a PhD studentship to learn more about postgraduate research and training at Reading. It is open to those who were not able to attend the SWW DTP Information Day on the 23 November, as well as to those who wish to visit the University of Reading after that event.

This Open Day will enable you to learn more about the AHRC SWW DTP and the University of Reading. It will provide:
• a workshop on developing and writing an AHRC SWW DTP PhD research proposal and application,
• an opportunity to meet current SWW DTP students and academic staff, as well as prospective supervisors by prior arrangement by e-mail with them,
• and a tour of related Departments and facilities.

The event will be held at the Graduate School, University of Reading from 2-4pm on Tuesday 1 December. If you wish to attend please contact Dr Wendy Matthews (w.matthews@reading.ac.uk)

For more information on the wide range of Doctoral research and training opportunities and AHRC funded studentships offered by the South West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership please see the SWW DTP web-site: http://www.sww-ahdtp.ac.uk