Enhancement through screencasts

Cindy writes:

I have been thinking recently about how to make the most of our Enhancement Weeks, so naturally screencasts came to mind. The challenge we are facing in our department is to help students to engage with activities in Enhancement Week whilst also offering long-term material to which they can refer both before and after that week.

We already have a couple of departmental screencasts which gave me ideas about how we could do this:





Now I am planning to produce a series of similar screencasts covering what I think are topics that will enhance the studying life of students. Topics identified so far are:

  1. How to succeed on Twitter (and/or LinkedIn)
  2. How to choose a dissertation topic
  3. The Professional Track Degree
  4. How to make the most of the personal tutor relationship
  5. Applying for postgraduate study
  6. Creative Writing in the Department of English Literature
  7. Study abroad
  8. Using the library
  9. How to use your reading list
  10. Budgeting for your study costs/book purchases

Now I face a decision and a new challenge. I have to decide whether to stick to Powtoon screencasts for all things ‘extra-curricular’ or whether to use a combination of different types of screencast, adn this relies to some extent on the challenge…I have asked a selection of colleauges to make one each of these screenacsts. I hope to persuade them that it is not difficult and is worth there while.

Watch this space for developments!

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