The latest ‘GRASS’ Lunch and Learn is scheduled for 18 Nov, 1-2pm Palmer Building 107
‘Assessment and Feedback: How screen capture might address possible new TEF metrics’
The new generation of student expects greater flexibility in the pace and place of learning and often responds brilliantly to the visual delivery of information. This session will be tailored to look at how screen capture facilitates better understanding of both marking criteria and how to write a great essay. Participants will get general advice on adopting screencasts in student assessment and feedback from real life applications at work on campus today. The session is designed to be hands on approach giving attendees a chance to play and learn with the technology. As in previous sessions we envisage that there will be two groups, those who are still at the drawing board stage and those who are already producing screencasts but are wishing to troubleshoot or share ideas. The “GRASS” project team will be on hand to solve problems or discuss options. There is room for those new to screen capture and who want to come and see what the benefits are for their teaching.
or click on this link to view this very short explanatory screencast
Refreshments will be provided, home-baking!
You can book on Trent using the link below:;s=;d=;ed=;a=T/4967307tkQ
Details are also available on: