
Cooper, A., D. Garrow, C. Gibson, M. Giles & N. Wilkin 2022. Grave goods: objects and death in later prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Oxbow.
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Cooper, A., D. Garrow & C. Gibson 2020. Spectrums of depositional practice in later prehistoric Britain and beyond. Grave goods, hoards and deposits ‘in between’.
Archaeological Dialogues 27, 135–157.
Available online:

Cooper, A., D. Garrow, C. Gibson & M. Giles 2019. Covering the dead in later prehistoric Britain: elusive objects and powerful technologies of funerary performance.
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 85, 223-250.
Available online:

Cooper, A., D. Garrow, C. Gibson, M. Giles & N. Wilkin 2017. Summary of project – Grave goods: objects and death in later prehistoric Britain.
PAST: The Newsletter of the Prehistoric Society, pp. 12-14
Available online:

Kruse, S. 2022. Boundary Objects Project in the Highlands. Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland, Issue 5 [p. 10].
Available online: