We’re looking forward to welcoming all participants to the University of Reading for the IMAA workshop this weekend. The timetable for the workshop can be found on our website: https://blogs.reading.ac.uk/integrated-microscopy-approaches-in-archaeobotany/imaa-2019/imaa-2019-timetable/
The workshop will take place in the School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science on the Whiteknights Campus. Please find travel advice on the university website. For those people driving to campus, no permit is needed for the weekend. The nearest car-park is Car-Park 8 (see campus map). https://www.reading.ac.uk/about/visit-us.aspx
Registration will take place in the Atrium of the Archaeology building (number 74 on the campus map). Oral presentations will take place in the Sorby Room, Wager Building (number 5 on the campus map). The microscopy sessions will take place in G08, Allen Lab (number 48 on the campus map). http://www.reading.ac.uk/web/files/maps/whiteknights-campus-map.pdf
You will have the (weather permitting) opportunity to go on the Whiteknights Tree Walk on Saturday lunchtime. Please bring appropriate footwear and clothing for the UK winter weather if you would like to go on the walk. http://www.reading.ac.uk/web/files/Grounds/Whiteknights_Tree_Walk_Oct_2014.pdf
The meal on Saturday evening will take place at the Sizzling Spice (Bangladeshi and Indian Cuisine), which is next to campus. Those participants who expressed an interest in coming to the meal will be emailed separately about these arrangements. Please let us know if you are no longer able to come to the meal.