Free CPD for teachers: physics, maths and Spanish

Free CPD for teachers: physics, maths and Spanish

We launched our Post-ITT Subject Knowledge Enhancement  (PITTSKE) courses in physics , maths and Spanish last weekend.  These are designed for  teachers who wish to upgrade their subject and/or pedagogical knowledge and are not specialists in these subjects.  All fees are paid by the TA, and there is funding for supply cover to cover three days out of school.

We have teachers on these courses with a wide range of prior experience.

For physics:

  • Biology/ chemistry specialists who are already teaching physics (and may have been doing so for some years), but are feeling in need of extra support to do this effectively
  • Relatively inexperienced science teachers who are aware that their subject knowledge in physics is lacking

For  maths:

  • Primary maths specialists who are moving up to teaching at KS3
  • Physicists, or other specialists, who are teaching maths (or who would like to)
  • Non-specialists teaching at KS3 wanting to move up to KS4 teaching.

For Spanish:

  • MFL teachers who have no prior knowledge of Spanish
  • Other teachers who have language skills and would like to teach Spanish

We are able to accept applications up until the first twilight session, which starts on Tuesday, 6th November.   If you have any questions, please email or phone me.  Alternatively contact our SKE administrator, Lynn Beecroft  (telephone 0118 378 2622)

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