See what makes this degree so unique: it offers Theatre & Teaching skills to deaf & hearing students

A completely unique degree that enables deaf and hearing students to study drama, theatre and teaching is being offered by the Institute of Education.

Ranked in the top 1% in the world, the University has a tradition of theatre as well as being home to one of the most respected teaching institutions in the world  – the Institute of Education. It is here that students can study the Theatre Arts, Education and Deaf Studies (TAEDS) degree that offers such a vibrant combination of subjects, whilst demanding academic rigour and offering strong vocational skills.

Employability figures are very high for graduates of this course. Many TAEDS students enter professional theatre as actors, directors and technicians or establish their own theatre companies. Others move into education in both mainstream and special needs schools. Some graduates continue with BSL to become Communication Support Workers and qualified BSL interpreters. Still others continue postgraduate study and some enter the field of Audiology.

Find out more about this amazing course: Visit TAEDS’ webpage or email

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