It may seem so when a simple tweet could win you a Macbook Air. Health & safety is one of those topics that we love to hate, don’t we? Well not anymore…
The University is inviting you to come up with a stunning creative idea to get the message across that staying safe and sound at University is easy when you know how. In return, the winner walks away with a brand new Macbook Air courtesy of Health & Safety.
Crazy, isn’t it?
The end game is a film that will be a professionally produced and made over the summer in time for the arrival of all our new students in September, and that all important safety talk.
But it has to be good…and it has to be created from the student’s perspective so the message lands in a memorable and interesting style.
The competition
We want you to tweet us your idea (that’s right, one tweet) for a campaign theme with the hashtag #healthandsafetygonemad
It can be a picture that speaks a thousand words, a film you like that nails the concept, a vine, video or a headline, as long as you tweet it by 29th May.
You can enter as many times as you wish but you must be a current student of the University.
Remember, be as creative in your submission as possible!
If we like your submission, we will want find out a little bit more about the idea so we can create a shortlist. The winning idea will be selected by a University panel. Simple!
What’s in it for you?
As the winner of the competition you will be the proud owner of a brand new Macbook air.
But that’s not all.
We will ask you to work with us, over the summer, as an executive producer of the film. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be in Reading during this time.
You will be credited on the film and this can be used to enhance your CV and added to your portfolio of experience.
So what are you waiting for?