Improving Equity and Inclusion through Education Research Group welcomes guest speaker Laerke Testmann, from Aarhus University in Copenhagen to the Institute of Education

The Improving Equity and Inclusion through Education (IEIE) Research group recently welcomed guest speaker, Lærke Testmann, to the Institute of Education. Laerke travelled to Reading  from The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University in Copenhagen, Denmark, especially to present her research on “Children’s communities in school – perspectives on inclusion” – a project that investigates how children collaborate on organizing their social life in school in communities. Laeke explained the project involved:

‘Ten months of fieldwork, where I have been following a group of children in their everyday life together both in and outside of school. I have investigated, from the perspective of the children, how community making and common social life unfolds among the children. My aim is to get closer to in- and exclusion as social practices connected to children’s everyday life in school and its related contexts. I work mainly with social practice theory and critical psychology with an analytical focus on social conflicts.’

The project is a part of larger research project called Children’s inclusion in school as conflictual collaboration between families, teachers, school-leaders and legislation, funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research, where a group of ten researchers from three different universities, together with children, parents and practitioners investigate contemporary challenges on inclusion, participation and democracy in Danish public schools.

Dr Karen Jones and Professor Jill Porter, Co-convenors of the IEIE Research Group who organised the event said:  

‘This was a great opportunity for staff and students at the Institute of Education hear about research in different international research environments, to exchange ideas and share experiences.’

For more information about the IEIE Research Group visit:



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