Are you involved? Student Union elections coming up – take part in shaping your world.

So how do I run for Election?

RUSU Elections 2015 is your chance to decide the future of your Students’ Union. This link shows you how to nominate yourself as a candidate, run a campaign and vote in the election.

As a member of RUSU you choose who’s going to represent 17,000 students. That’s pretty serious experience to take out into the workplace. This term there are elections for 5 Full-time Officers, 7 Part-time Officers, 8 Undergraduate Faculty Reps and 2 Student trustees.

So whatever your passion, whatever you care about, don’t miss your chance to get involved and be part of the change.

Nominations close at 15:00 on Thursday 12 February 2015.

Voting opens Monday 23rd February at 10am and will close on Friday 27th February at 3pm.

For any enquiries, email RUSU on We will get back to you as soon as possible.



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