This is a reminder that FMD Maintenance services have a shutdown of power to the whole of the Whiteknights campus on 27 August. 

Currently, IT Services have been informed by FMD that power to University data centres should be safe. Therefore systems running from University data centres are not going to be affected, however, it is possible that services such as email may be subject to interruption and should therefore be considered at risk.

This is to carry out essential maintenance on the sub stations High and Low Voltage switchgear. The proposed work will take approximately 12 hours to complete and would commence at 06.00 hours in the morning until approximately 18.00, but should finish much earlier.

FMD cannot guarantee power to other buildings like the rest of the year but will attempt to keep disruption to a minimum. The buildings definitely affected in this planned shut down are as follows:

Lyle Building Blade Centre

Plant Science

Plant Science Glasshouses



Windsor Hall

Windsor Social Building

Park Eat







Old Whiteknights House

If you want more information or have a problem arising from these works, contact

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