The fix we implemented at 3:30 was successful and the intermittent call issues are resolved. We will monitor the service to make sure it continues to be available.

We have identified the problem causing the intermittent phone issues and are will be implementing a fix at 3:30pm. Please be aware that this will cause phone-calls to be unavailable for 5 minutes. Any calls in progress will be dropped. However, phone services should return to normal after 5 minutes.

We have identified a possible solution to fix this intermittent phone issue and are working on implementing it with our supplier. We will update you as soon as we have further information.

We are currently working with our supplier to get this fixed as soon as possible. We will have a further update at 2pm.

We are aware of a problem affecting some calls out of the University today.

There are issues with making external calls and calls from campus to campus.

Internal calls (from the same campus) and inbound calls are still working.

We are working to fix this as soon as possible and will provide a further update later today.

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