Graduation web feed
IT Services are assisting with the provision of a web feed for Graduation this year and alongside this, we are also trialling a multicast feed.
General news about what IT Services are up to.
IT Services are assisting with the provision of a web feed for Graduation this year and alongside this, we are also trialling a multicast feed.
Two of our networking team have been working hard down at the Silchester Roman Camp to help set up for this summer’s dig. IT Services provide online access at theContinue reading Silchester setup day
Microsoft are replacing their Select license programme on the 1 July 2011 with a new programme called Select Plus.
On Tuesday 21 June, we will be upgrading the University’s Sophos Anti-Virus system and this will bring more enhancements to this system, as well as increased security features.
Official JANET records show the following institutions participated in World IPv6 day:
On 8th June, a number of major organisations will be offering their Internet content using the IPv6 protocol for a 24-hour ‘test flight’. The goal of this day is toContinue reading IPv6 test flight….