New look IT Service Desk emails
We have designed a new streamlined look for the automatic emails sent out by the IT Service Desk. Several of you said you missed our emails as they didn’t standContinue reading New look IT Service Desk emails
General news about what IT Services are up to.
We have designed a new streamlined look for the automatic emails sent out by the IT Service Desk. Several of you said you missed our emails as they didn’t standContinue reading New look IT Service Desk emails
World Password Day takes place on Thursday May 5. It was set up in 2013 as a day set aside for people to update and strengthen their passwords. The averageContinue reading World Password Day May 5th – Update your password!
In the last few days Intel, AMD and ARM have publicly announced major security flaws within their CPU chips. We are working with suppliers to patch our systems as quickly asContinue reading Intel, ARM and AMD chip scare (Spectre + Meltdown)
There was a major power outage on campus this morning, affecting two key server rooms. This resulted in the loss of most of the IT services on campus. The majorityContinue reading 15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
We are currently trying to fix an issue with the Whiteknights campus firewalls, which can lead to occasional and very brief losses of connectivity to the Internet for users atContinue reading Firewall Issue
We have recently been experiencing problems with slow logins to some PCs on campus. We are working very hard to resolve this issue. Should you find your login is unacceptablyContinue reading Slow Logins Issue
We have seen another increase in phishing emails over the last few weeks and this is having an impact on both staff and support services.
As part of the Enabling Technology work, the provision of IT support across the University is being merged to create a new central IT function providing support across a rangeContinue reading IT Reorganisation
A centrally-funded project has been approved which will improve and update the data network infrastructure at the Greenlands site, and within a number of buildings on the main Whiteknights campus.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam.