Latest scam email
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam. Do not click on the links in the email. We have taken steps to blockContinue reading Latest scam email
Please note that the email that you may have received this morning is spam. Please do not click on any links in the mail. An image of the email isContinue reading Latest Phishing attempt
We have had a recent upsurge in University of Reading specific phishing scams. This time, they are tailored particularly to mimic our mail systems.
It has been a while since my last post, so here are some updates on what IT Services have been doing so far this summer plus an important update onContinue reading View from the Director’s Chair – Summer 2013
We had two major pieces of work that took place yesterday to upgrade the services we supply to students at the University.
IT Services have had a reminder from CSIRT regarding user credential sharing and the associated issues.
We have had another phishing attack, which purports to come from IT Services. The email contains text as follows:
We believe the recent iOS 6.1 update has been causing problems with our Microsoft Exchange email service. This appears to be caused by an issue with the way that AppleContinue reading Email Service issues
It’s been a busy start to the New Year in IT Services with a lot of developments to look forward to in 2013.