New trends in phishing
We have seen another increase in phishing emails over the last few weeks and this is having an impact on both staff and support services.
We have seen another increase in phishing emails over the last few weeks and this is having an impact on both staff and support services.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam. Do not click on the links in the email. We have taken steps to blockContinue reading Latest scam email
Please note that the email that you may have received this morning is spam. Please do not click on any links in the mail. An image of the email isContinue reading Latest Phishing attempt
We have had another phishing attack, which purports to come from IT Services. The email contains text as follows:
IT Services have had an outbreak of phishing attacks where we have had to block accounts and websites.
As part of the Anti-Spam system at the University of Reading, IT Services subscribe to a two blocklists, that are used to reduce the amount of Spam received. They doContinue reading Anti-spam changes
There has been an attempt yesterday, 1 March, to trap people into giving out their login details for University of Reading IT systems. Should you receive an email with theContinue reading Latest phishing email scam