Developing academic identity and communicating your research

Dear all

The group discussions run every Tuesday at 11:00-12:00, online (via Blackboard) and on campus, at the Graduate School (usually room G08). Each discussion will focus on a topic related to doing research.

You can get the link by going to the Graduate Schools website. and their X account

Check my X account  @Life_tools

or send me an email to


Developing academic identity and communicating your research

At first, it may feel rather challenging to approach other academics and professionals, particularly when starting to explore your chosen subject.

Continue reading “Developing academic identity and communicating your research”

Communicating with your supervisor



During your doctoral research, and particularly in the early stages, it is common to have many questions about the direction in which to develop your research.

Communicating effectively with your supervisor/s is an essential aspect of your academic research as they will guide you and help to clarify your thinking.

Many find it challenging to present their doubts to their supervisors, for fear of being perceived as not good enough to do doctoral level work. Alternatively, they may find it hard to present their drafts worrying they might receive negative feedback.
Continue reading “Communicating with your supervisor”