Library website changes coming soon!

We are making some improvements to the Library website in the coming weeks.

Restructured homepage

Firstly on Monday 11 June we will be launching a new version of the Library homepage. After consulting with students in a recent focus group we’re making some changes to:

  • Preview of the new homepagebring key links to the top of the page;
  • make it shorter by reducing the number of links on the page;
  • changing some of the terminology to make it easier to understand.

As part of this we’re introducing a new ‘Support for your studies’ section on the homepage which brings together links relating to subject support, study skills, and study space. We’re re-labelling the Enterprise and Summon search boxes to make it clearer what you find with each. The ‘Libraries beyond UoR’ section of the site will be renamed as ‘Other libraries & inter-library loans’ so that it is more self-explanatory.

Relaunching many of our guides

Early in July we will be relaunching a number of our guides in a new format. These will be more attractive and easier to navigate and will include new content in many cases. This will bring our general guides into line with the subject guides and the study advice guides, which have been successfully using the new format for a couple of years.

What do you think?

If you have any comments about these changes please contact Library Web Manager, Jackie Skinner by emailing

Jackie Skinner, Library Web Manager & Liaison Librarian