You may already be aware that Digimap have launched a new service, Pilot Digimap. This is a space where they can trial datasets to evaluate their potential. The datasets available will change regularly so keep looking! They currently have two types of data available, one provided by Geomni and another with ESA satellite data, and they can be accessed through Roam to create maps, or Download to use with ArcGIS or QGIS software. However access is limited – these datasets will only be available until July 31, so should not be relied on for teaching or research.
Rate usefulness
Users can give each new dataset a star rating to indicate it’s usefulness – doing this will help Edina to make a decision on how valuable it is, and will also help us to decide if it’s worth getting if it becomes available as a permanent dataset.
Data available
The satellite data includes a colour near infrared set, useful for analysing plant density and health, and a natural colour cloud free mosaic dataset, both from the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Sentinel 2 satellite.
Geomni creates and maintains a range of spatial databases, and we have access to
- UK Buildings Use and Age – shows the use and age of commercial, public and residential buildings across the UK. Particularly useful in urban areas
- UK Land – land classification dataset similar to Environment Digimap, but with more detailed breakdown of urban areas
- UK Map (London only) has several parts:
- UK Map base map – similar to OS MasterMap
- UK Map Aerial – more detail than Aerial Digimap
- UK Map Upper Floors – shows retailers on upper floors of shopping centres
- UK Map Tree Canopy – shows indicative canopy of trees
- UK Map DTM and DSM – available only in download
To access Pilot Digimap just click on the tab on the Digimap home page – the first time you use it you will be asked to agree to the End User Licence, as you did for other Digimap collections.
Judith Fox, Map Librarian