Vacation loans are here again.
Summer term will be coming to an end Friday 9 June, and we will be making some temporary changes to our borrowing policy over the Summer vacation period starting Thursday 1 June.
If you are an undergraduate or a taught postgraduate, any standard or term loan item you borrow will be due back on Tuesday 26 September and will not be subject to recall. If your account expires before then, you will need to return the item before your course ends.
Borrowing for staff, research postgraduates, Associate and External users will remain the same, so please continue to keep an eye on your University email account and Library account to ensure you return or renew items on time and avoid fines.
If you are unsure about your due dates or just have a question, you can still contact us via email or by phone. We will be moving to vacation opening hours soon so watch this space for more information!
Your Library Team