We still have a week until the beginning of the (very very!) final bonus season of the Lyminge excavations, but we’re thrilled to be able to tide you over until then with the publication of our 2014 Interim Report! It is freely available to download in PDF form here.
The report summarises the discoveries of the 2014 excavation, including up-to-date plans of the Tayne Field excavations (produced by Simon Maslin) and the initial interpretations and perspectives on the exciting archaeology that was uncovered, particularly ‘the Blob’, the unusual Anglo-Saxon midden that we are going back to look at from 3rd – 30th August 2015.
All our interim reports since 2008 are available under the ‘Publications’ menu at the top of the webpage, so you can follow our discoveries there too, and indeed you can go directly to our archive in the Integrated Archaeological Database to look at individual site records too. You’ll also find links to the many externally published articles by the team there too.
Don’t forget that you’ll be able to volunteer on the dig as usual, or if you aren’t able to volunteer you can visit the site on a Saturday at 2pm for a site tour by our director, Dr Gabor Thomas. On 22nd August we’ll be holding an open day with activities, site tours and Anglo-Saxon re-enactments. Lots more information about the open day will be coming very soon. We hope to see you there – but if you can’t make it we’ll still be blogging and tweeting from the field as per usual!