written by Tom Paganuzzi, a secondary school student on work experience at MERL.
Having applied for work experience at MERL, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. When I turned up on Monday I was initially intrigued by the building itself. When I met the crew I felt rather welcomed and knew that once I was settled I would feel quite at home.
Upon my tour of the premises I found the history of the building to be rather interesting. When shown my office for the week I was immediately beset with the question; ‘which side does the view look out on?’ I spent much of my lunch breaks and time walking into and out of the building pondering and trying to work it out. I achieved this by Thursday, but alas the exterior location of the staff room still eludes me.
One of the things I enjoyed the most was the Pinterest project, namely because I got to do some photography. Most of the artefacts are curious little articles and make one wonder what they were used for. You can view Tom’s Board here.