Summer is coming and that means that there are internship opportunities being advertised. This is a great way to gain some experience, especially if there is a bursary which helps you to support yourself financially. Here are a few which look interesting (please give me a shout if you have an internship that you would like advertised). I’ve noted where the advert mentions that the internship is paid. You’ll notice that the links come from the wonderfully comprehensive Leicester University Museum Studies Jobs Desk
Cultural Co-operation is offering SOCL internships across the UK for 18-25 years old from BAME backgrounds LINK
The Museum of the History of Science in Oxford has a paid collections internship LINK
The Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham has two paid internships on their Marketing and Communications team LINK, two paid Learning and Access internships LINK and two paid Collections internships LINK
Orleans House Gallery in London has a paid traineeship in Heritage Learning, Interpretation and Participation LINK
The Theatres Trust has paid summer archive internships in London LINK
The South West Heritage Trust has a paid Portable Antiquities Scheme Headley Trust internship in Taunton LINK
The Intrepid Museum in New York has two summer internships LINK
Dulwich Picture Gallery is offering a Curatorial Internship LINK