In March 2017 we held our first Open in Practice conference. It was our first opportunity to consider as a research community how we can support and enable better access to research outputs, more transparent and collaborative research processes, and greater reproducibility of results. Our second Open in Practice Conference (held in April 2019) gave us an opportunity to reflect on how far we have travelled.
What have we achieved since then? (poster version)
University Statement on the Responsible Use of Metrics
- Responsible Metrics Statement published in 2018.
- Aims to ensure that metric-based assessment of researchers for performance evaluation, recruitment and promotion is fair and balanced and not driven by crude indicators such as Journal Impact Factor (IF).
University Statement on Open Research
- Leading the way as one of the first universities in the world to publish a Statement on Open Research.
- Sets out commitment to the aims and principles of Open Research.
- Commits to a more open culture of research by encouraging the research community to explore the possibilities and benefits of open practices.
- Provides practical guidance.
Open Research Working Group
- Established in 2018 to co-ordinate communication and engagement activities and ensure these are informed by input from the research community.
- Representation from the Library, Research Services and the research community.
- Organised Open in Practice 2019 conference and the Open Research Award.
Post-Graduate Researchers’ Data Management Plan Pilot
- Pilot requires PhD students that collect or create primary data to submit a data management plan as part of their annual review.
- Launched with first-year students in the NERC SCENARIO, ESRC SeNSS and AHRC SWW doctoral training centres; plans to roll out further.
- Aims to instill best practice in data sharing in our trainee researchers.
Programming for reproducibility
- Research programming is often integral to reproducibility.
- A 2017 survey showed the use of research programming is widespread; researchers often lack training and support.
- Research Software Group established (2018) to co-ordinate capability development activities.
- Developing training and support for researchers and research students.
- Weekly PCLS Coding Club (2018) is open to staff and students. Meeting a vital need to share skills and good practice.
Open Access monographs fund
- Established funding to publish Open Access monographs (2017). Two have now been published; five are pending.
Open Research Award
The winning entry for our Open Research Prize was Open and Online Experimental Philosophy by Kathryn Francis (shown), Nat Hansen and Philip Beaman.
Recognising and rewarding open research practices.
- Competition launched in 2019, open to members of staff and PhD students.
- 17 entries received; shortlisted four to compete for the £500 prize, winner was decided by audience vote at Open in Practice.
- Shortlisted entries to be published as Open Research case studies.