James Healey

James Healey

Renewable Regeneration

The Ecosystem is a cycle of energy and nutrients to support life. Ecosystems are essential to human life and provide us with invaluable services which human life depends on, this includes everything from clean air to water to food. Biodiversity is essential to maintain the balance of the ecosystem, every living thing plays a role in the ecosystem which is essential to human life. Greenham Common is home to many rare and endangered species in Britain. It is imperative to conserve these species to maintain biodiversity to balance the ecosystem and to also protect the species for future generations. The building takes inspiration from the endangered amphibians, birds, insects and reptiles native to Greenham Common. The endangered animals across the landscape each have an area in the building, inspired by shapes in the landscape shown in the masterplan influenced by the species of animal. The animal areas run up through the whole building so the public can view and enjoy the animals on the lower floors while the families can research and look after the animals on the upper floors. This projects aims to integrate and reconnect people with nature with exciting architecture to inspire conservation efforts to restore Greenham with a positive legacy relying only on the land and sustainable resources.

Amphibian, Bird, Invertebrate, Reptile