Wiktoria Jarosz

Wiktoria Jarosz

Greenham Ripple


Greenham Ripple, situated upon Greenham Common, introduces the wider com­munity to a new sustainable and self-reliant community producing and introduc­ing the public to Soybeans and their place in the future of food. Named ‘Greenham Ripple’: the title draws upon the fundamental belief that the practices of the small community can provide an expanding understanding of rural eco-friendly life, which can be adapted by its neighbours. There is a desire to cause a ripple effect, which mimics the motion of the windmill, will lead to more people wanting to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and learn about foods which can replace animal products such as soybeans. Soybean products have become widespread and this influx is not represented in the United Kingdom. Greenham Common’s soybean fields would be one of the first in the UK to provide the local community with a forward-thinking future food. Apart from providing food of the land, the green processing building will make soy-milk, soy-based ice cream, and mill wheat, expanding the products available at the weekly market run by Greenham Ripple’s residences.  

The key idea hidden behind the enterprise is Building Blocks, a way of manufacturing off-site to reduce damage and placing prefabricated timber skeletons onto the site. This process allows for hand-crafting the building and enabling the future residence to build their home and expand the factory according to it needs. 

Ripple, Sustainable, Soybeans, Modular, Educate  

Greenham Ripple, situated upon Greenham Common, introduces the wider com­munity to a new sustainable and self-reliant community producing and introduc­ing the public to Soybeans and their place in the future of food. Named ‘Greenham Ripple’: the title draws upon the fundamental belief that the practices of the small community can provide an expanding understanding of rural eco-friendly life, which can be adapted by its neighbours. There is a desire to cause a ripple effect, which mimics the motion of the windmill, will lead to more people wanting to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and learn about foods which can replace animal products such as soybeans. Soybean products have become widespread and this influx is not represented in the United Kingdom. Greenham Common’s soybean fields would be one of the first in the UK to provide the local community with a forward-thinking future food. Apart from providing food of the land, the green processing building will make soy-milk, soy-based ice cream, and mill wheat, expanding the products available at the weekly market run by Greenham Ripple’s residences.  

The key idea hidden behind the enterprise is Building Blocks, a way of manufacturing off-site to reduce damage and placing prefabricated timber skeletons onto the site. This process allows for hand-crafting the building and enabling the future residence to build their home and expand the factory according to it needs. 

Ripple, Sustainable, Soybeans, Modular, Educate  



Stone soup is created with scraps that can be found in any kitchen. Its simplicity and rich history provide a strong cultural effect. The ‘soup’ kitchen brings four elements into Reading: the opportunity to meet, share food, learn on a site of rich history, view. Bringing the soup into Reading and making stops along the journey is important as it shares knowledge which has be embedded in the history of the soup.

The soup motto of “sharing and compassion” has influenced the choice of sites along the journey. Both sites, in Bilbao and Paris are located near school and homeless shelter to allow people of all backgrounds to collaborate. These values are also represented in the truck’s details, such as a bold title ‘share a spoon full’ and the bowl design. The visitors are greeted with a friendly elevation and a story, that through the transparency of the truck allow all to see the ingredients, their production and boiling to create a simple soup.

Pedra Soup, Compassion, Journey, Shelter

Stone soup is created with scraps that can be found in any kitchen. Its simplicity and rich history provide a strong cultural effect. The ‘soup’ kitchen brings four elements into Reading: the opportunity to meet, share food, learn on a site of rich history, view. Bringing the soup into Reading and making stops along the journey is important as it shares knowledge which has be embedded in the history of the soup.

The soup motto of “sharing and compassion” has influenced the choice of sites along the journey. Both sites, in Bilbao and Paris are located near school and homeless shelter to allow people of all backgrounds to collaborate. These values are also represented in the truck’s details, such as a bold title ‘share a spoon full’ and the bowl design. The visitors are greeted with a friendly elevation and a story, that through the transparency of the truck allow all to see the ingredients, their production and boiling to create a simple soup.

Pedra Soup, Compassion, Journey, Shelter