Will Pike

Will Pike



The ARC or Algae Research Centre is a site for a community of 40 people as well as visiting specialists to live self-sustaining encapsulated lives. The centre sits on the shore of a lake used for growing algae. This algae is the focus of research at the centre and its use as a fertiliser and bio plastic focusing is being investigated. 3D printing is a specific focus of the plastic research and its algaes use as a material for this process creating everyday objects for the residents. The community is used as a test bed, both for the investigation of a self contained community and for the everyday use and testing of algae bio plastic products and their practicality in day to day life. Some community members work in the small holdings producing food for the community, others carry out the research and some are employed at the local café or as workers maintaining the grounds and structure of the centre. 

Algae, Bio-plastic, Sustainable, Research, Waterscape

The ARC or Algae Research Centre is a site for a community of 40 people as well as visiting specialists to live self-sustaining encapsulated lives. The centre sits on the shore of a lake used for growing algae. This algae is the focus of research at the centre and its use as a fertiliser and bio plastic focusing is being investigated. 3D printing is a specific focus of the plastic research and its algaes use as a material for this process creating everyday objects for the residents. The community is used as a test bed, both for the investigation of a self contained community and for the everyday use and testing of algae bio plastic products and their practicality in day to day life. Some community members work in the small holdings producing food for the community, others carry out the research and some are employed at the local café or as workers maintaining the grounds and structure of the centre. 

Algae, Bio-plastic, Sustainable, Research, Waterscape