Celebrate What’s Right With the World

Today I would like to highlight a blog written by Chris Cross (a professional trainer, coach and facilitator).  You may know Chris from Springboard training here at Reading.  Chris has written a new post on ‘Celebrating What’s Right with the World’

‘when the workload is never ending, we need to alter our frame of mind, create options and do what we can do with grace and enthusiasm…………………..‘ I am going to try and put this into action today!


Applications open for women’s development programmes

As part of the University’s commitment to supporting the career development of women, applications to the Springboard women’s development programme and the Leadership Foundation’s Aurora women’s leadership development programme for 2015-16 are now open. To find out more follow this link – Women’s Development Programme


I completed the Springboard this year and I am happy to discuss the programme with anyone who might be interested – just let me know.