As Good As It Gets

Oh dear – the rain gods are at work again. Saturday morning was miserable. Pouring rain and a grey, wet pall over everything. Cindy and Elise stepped up to the mark and we managed to create working groups in the marquee, washing finds and sorting samples. On site Matt Lees found work for his team, and elsewhere Natalie and Emily carried out Master Classes in section drawing.


Blonde section drawing!

I rang the Silchester churchwarden to see if I could run a couple of lectures in St. Mary’s church……but there was a wedding there today and I felt that 60 muddy archaeologists might not be the ideal wedding guests?

Just as desperation began to set in….the sun came out…briefly. But, most importantly the rain stopped. Realisation dawned. This really is as good as it is going to get this summer. So, we have to grit our teeth and get on with it. And, so we are.

Nick 'do as I say and not as I do' Pankhurst


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