AWP versus UAV

Friday was the day for final photographs on site. This year we have been inundated by new and creative ways to take aerial and as near vertical photographs as possible. Our archaeology demands it……needs it in fact. We are so very flat to the ground…..and as we near natural geology with features cut into it……post-hole after post-hole after post-hole…..we need height to recognise alignments and patterns. Our default is our 6m high aluminium scaffold tower…….a real challenge to erect…..and it can only really be used safely from the edge of the excavation – which limits its usefulness. In the past we have had friends in ‘planes……and once or twice a year Peter and his cherry-picker (aerial work platform or AWP….which can take us 30m above the archaeology…..but not completely vertical as again, the picker must be set on the side of the trench).

Mike and the Silchester photographers - Margaret, Tristan and Kevin - prepare to go aloft


Which bit goes where?


Last year we discovered the benefits of kite photography – and built on this again this season with the help of Mark Household. Some fantastic shots. And then – out of the blue sky came Gunter Pibernik and his archaeological drone…..unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV!

Drone preparation by Gunter

So, on our final photography day we had both a AWP and a UAV……see the results!

Gunter Pibernik's vertical photograph using a drone

Kite photograph by Mark Household


Photograph of Hen's building from the cherry-picker

The cherry-picker as photographed by the drone!


South-east area taken from the cherry-picker

You decide!


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One Response to AWP versus UAV

  1. Mark Iliff says:

    That first aerial shot is quite brilliant

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