Week 2 of Setting Up: Monday 24th June

During this week – IT DID NOT RAIN!

What did we do? We populated our kabins with furniture. We collected the archaeological records from our university offices. We brought in the Finds, the computers and the cameras. We actually had a lot of fun.


The growing Silchester team!


Populating kabins

How about a quick peek inside the Supervisors; kabins? Here goes:


Ready for the apres dig


Popcorn. coffee, pate and a picture of Seal. Us Silchester archaeologists know how to live…

What else did we do? Well, Su and Liz began to clean up their area – surprisingly few weeds, and the area had lasted the winter exceptionally well.


Su and Liz clean the earliest feature on site; the ditch of c.40BC

Natalie and Flex contemplated removing the polythene which was protecting their area, but decided to wait for the arrival of the Willing Helpers.


Natalie and Sarah Henley’s areas, enshrouded in polythene

Chris the fencer put up a fence line leading to – and all around – our trench in Insula III.


Insula III from Insula IX

    Tony and Jon moved things around site……


Looking busy…..

And Jim cleaned sections, using his metal detector to sweep the erosion and collapse since last summer.


Beep, beep

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